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Orion Techgen

Social Media Marketing

Orion Techgen , your trusted partner in elevating your online presence through strategic Social Media Marketing (SMM). In this article, we’ll explore how our SMM services can help your brand thrive in the digital age.

Elevating your online presence through social media requires a strategic and tailored approach. We are dedicated to helping your brand thrive in the digital age. Our comprehensive SMM services are designed to boost your visibility, engagement, and ROI across social media platforms.


Let us know about you and your goals.

SMM ( Social Media Marketing) Services

Our social media marketing experts will assist you in expanding your reach, boost your website’s presence, boost the amount of traffic to your site, create your brand’s image, and assist you in making connections with influential people.

Facebook Marketing Services

Facebook Marketing Services

At Orion Techgen our team of experts will aid any type of company to raise awareness and attract more customers and establish a brand customers will want to know about. By using our unique and customised strategy, we’ll assist you in achieving business success.

Instagram Marketing Services

Instagram Marketing Services

Instagram is among the most popular social media platforms for engagement. We provide Instagram marketing services to help you gain more followers, boost the number of people who are engaged and help make the Instagram account more prominent.

Twitter Marketing Services

Twitter Marketing Services

As a prominent social media marketing firm We help you create a rapport with your audience’s interests and turn these into revenue. Additionally, we help to grow your business’s performance by implementing innovative Twitter advertising strategies.

YouTube Marketing Services

YouTube Marketing Services

Nowadays, in addition to images and content, YouTube videos attract more viewers. Our team offers services in a variety of elements of YouTube marketing through the production of online videos and optimising them, as well as studying videos, and advertising them.

LinkedIn Marketing Services

LinkedIn Marketing Services

LinkedIn is a social network that allows you for connecting potential customers based on their interests and industry. Our team will assist you integrate LinkedIn marketing strategies into your marketing efforts to create many prospects and leads.

WhatsApp Marketing Services

WhatsApp Marketing Services

Taking the advantage of WhatsApp marketing you can easily promote the offers and discounts, and attract more traffic to your website. People always love to hear about discounts and offers as they can save money. So, WhatsApp allows you reach instantly to your customers.

Benefits Of SMM

Increased Brand Awareness

Social media platforms have massive user bases, making them ideal for increasing brand awareness. By strategically sharing content and engaging with your target audience, you can build brand recognition and visibility.

Targeted Advertising and Audience Engagement

SMM platforms provide advanced targeting options that enable you to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This ensures your content is seen by the right people, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional advertising channels, SMM is often more cost-effective. You can start with a small budget and gradually scale up based on the results you achieve. Social media platforms also provide analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of your campaigns in real-time

Reasons To Count On Us In SMM Services?

Our social media marketing experts will assist you in expanding your reach, boost your website’s presence, boost the amount of traffic to your site, create your brand’s image, and assist you in making connections with influential people.

Social Consultancy

We’ll help develop a social strategy with you based upon your end goals. You may already have in-house marketing teams who just require guidance, or you may need us to help build your social presence from scratch. We’ll help find the best approach.

Brand Management

We’ll help develop a social strategy with you based upon your end goals. You may already have in-house marketing teams who just require guidance, or you may need us to help build your social presence from scratch. We’ll help find the best approach.

Social Tone & Nature

The ways in which businesses can use social media differs massively. We’ll be there to help find the right tone of voice and style for you, making sure that your business is portrayed exactly how you want it.

Social Media Monitoring

We’ll comb the social networks, making sure that you know who’s talking about you, what they’re saying and what they think, and whether it’s positive. This ensures that you are always ahead of the conversation, ready to contribute whenever you need to.

Cross Channel Promotion

Using the insights from our reporting and analysis we make sure that your message reaches your audience and fits across all your marketing channels, giving you a coherent and instantly recognizable voice across the internet.

Paid and Organic Team

We make sure that our clients get experts in their field. Our team is comprised of both paid and organic strategists who have many years of experience and knowledge and expertise, so you can sleep at ease knowing that your campaign is carefully managed.

Global clients around the world


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Years of Experience

So, how we do it. The process.

We’ve created a roadmap for working with companies in a way that effectively executes a solid Social Media Marketing.

The process

Perform a social media audit

Before crafting your social media marketing plan, you must understand your audience, their demographics, interests, and behavior patterns. With this information, you can shape your marketing goals without throwing everything at the wall, hoping something will stick. A social media audit is a perfect way to ensure you’re not wasting your time with useless content.

Evaluate what your competitors

Your competitors are your adversaries, but also an invaluable resource in developing a social media plan. Learn from their successes and acquire tried and true ideas that’ll help you boost your social media efforts. Often their efforts will inspire new marketing content ideas you’d never thought of before.Try to find what makes their content different from yours.

Identify your target audience

Now that you understand your current metrics and where your competition stands, use that information to develop your newly formed target audience profile. The demographics analytics contained in your social media audit will indicate who is actually visiting your page. If these demographics align with your target profile, then it’s clear your messaging is on point.

Set goals and create a plan

Set goals and create a plan You’ve collected the information necessary to develop a target social media marketing plan. Now you need specific and measurable goals to reference back to and benchmark during the execution period. These goals are measured through social media and website metrics. It’s important to assign different content types for different purposes and establish ratios for those content types.

Why Choose Orion Techgen ?

Worked with global clients for many projects in diverse industry domains.

Well trained and highly skilled team to obtain successful results.

Goal oriented and result driven SEO agency with certified SEO team.

Full transparency in work & clear targets for on-time delivery of projects.

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