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Orion Techgen

Pay Per Click

Orion Techgen Top PPC Pay Per Click Services Company We Maximize ROI, Drive Conversions, and Amplify Your Online Presence.  

Orion Techgen, a leading  PPC advertising company gives you the opportunity to pay for top positions on search engines and appear on relevant partner websites. Pay-per-click marketing delivers instant traffic and offers many ways to compliment existing SEO strategies by testing keywords, business models, and marketplace verticals, and it allows you to develop your overall Internet marketing strategy, and any SEO plans armed with facts, not assumptions.

Google Ads
Bing Ads
Linkedin Ads
Taboola Ads


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Pay Per Click Services

The PPC-Pay Per Click (Paid advertising) is a method to promote targeted advertisements on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo and display ads on millions of websites that have ads on their site

Google Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is the ad platform that allows you to run search and shopping ads on Google, video ads on YouTube, Gmail ads, and display ads on the Google Display Network (GDN). It is by far the most popular PPC platform and offers a wealth of opportunities for pretty much any business to drive success from the channel.

Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads)

Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads)

Bing Ads, also known as Microsoft Advertising, in a similar way to Google Ads, lets you run ads on Bing, as well as on Yahoo and AOL.From a management perspective, the two platforms are very similar; the main difference is the market size and potential reach. The ROI is often cited as being better than Google Ads

LinkedIn PPC

LinkedIn PPC

LinkedIn PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Ads are a powerful tool for businesses aiming to engage with a professional audience, generate leads, and increase brand visibility. With over 774 million members, LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to connect with decision-makers and industry leaders. In this article, we'll explore how our LinkedIn PPC Ads services can help you reach your marketing objectives on this influential platform.

Benefits Of PPC Advertising


Additional traffic can be sent to your website, expanding your online visibility and helping you establish your company as a leader in your industry.

Highly-targeted website traffic

Assigning different ad copies for specific keywords and demographics can dramatically increase the quality of website traffic.

Maximize the return on your marketing investment

Because you pay for PPC only when an ad is clicked, it’s easy to manage costs, track conversions, and determine your ROI.

Reasons To Count On Us In Pay Per Click Services?

Orion Techgen is a leading PPC management company that uses paid search to drive sales for your business. Whether you want to increase leads, website traffic, or both, our tech-enabled PPC services will help you achieve your goals

Keyword Research

We use sophisticated techniques ensuring you cover the full search landscape while avoiding the areas which aren’t right for your business.

Ad extensions

Ad extensions have become a vital part of the PPC . Ad extensions transform your adtext and give you the opportunity to stand out, over your competitors.


We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks.


Without the right data, optimising a PPC campaign would just be a shot in the dark, so we have to make sure the tracking is setup properly

PPC Reporting

We produce reports which provide meaningful insight into what’s happening with your PPC campaign.

PPC Optimisation

Ongoing optimisation will continually refine and focus the campaign to push the performance boundaries.

PPC Strategy

To tailor a PPC campaign that’s right for you, we will get to know your business, industry sector, competitors and USP’s.

PPC Reporting

We’ll help you set up, manage and optimise your shopping campaigns and product listing ads to promote your inventory.

Global clients around the world


No of Clients


Completed Projects


Ongoing Projects


Years of Experience

So, how we do it. The process.

We’ve created a roadmap for working with companies in a way that effectively executes a solid Pay Per Click campaigns.

The process


The exploration phase requires information gathering and assessment, which includes historical PPC account data, internal Web analytics data and peripheral research on customers and competitors. The desired goal is to formulate a PPC advertising program test campaign that runs anywhere from two to four weeks in duration.


The evaluation phase consists of implementing the PPC program test strategy (keywords, text ads & associated landing pages) & monitoring performance. In this phase, the goal is to determine which keywords, ad copy, landing pages and bid strategies have the greatest potential, and will serve as the foundation for the ongoing PPC campaign.


The expansion phase focuses on leveraging insights from the evaluation phase to increase the number of keyword in overall PPC advertising program to generate the desired quantity of leads or sales without sacrificing conversion performance. For ex, a test campaign may incorporate 50 keywords while the expanded campaign may include 500.


The enhancement phase involves constant tuning and tweaking of keywords, text ad copy, landing page elements and bid strategies. Typically, this phase incorporates A/B or multivariate testing to ensure PPC is often needed to cycle back to the exploration phase and test peripheral keywords, ad copy and landing page creative.

Why Choose Orion Techgen ?

Worked with global clients for many projects in diverse industry domains.

Well trained and highly skilled team to obtain successful results.

Goal oriented and result driven SEO agency with certified SEO team.

Full transparency in work & clear targets for on-time delivery of projects.

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